.. highlight:: rst :class:`Margins` ================ .. py:class:: Margins :class:`Margins` represents the margins of a document. :class:`Margins` Attributes --------------------------- .. py:attribute:: Margins.top This attribute is used to read/write the top margin of the document.:: >>> document = Scripter.activeDocument >>> margins = document.margins >>> margins.top 40.0 >>> margins.top = 60 >>> margins.top 60.0 >>> .. py:attribute:: Margins.bottom This attribute is used to read/write the bottom margin of the document.:: >>> document = Scripter.activeDocument >>> margins = document.margins >>> margins.bottom 40.0 >>> margins.bottom = 60 >>> margins.bottom 60.0 >>> .. py:attribute:: Margins.right This attribute is used to read/write the right margin of the document. >>> document = Scripter.activeDocument >>> margins = document.margins >>> margins.right 40.0 >>> margins.right = 60 >>> margins.right 60.0 >>> .. py:attribute:: Margins.left This attribute is used to read/write the left margin of the document. >>> document = Scripter.activeDocument >>> margins = document.margins >>> margins.left 40.0 >>> margins.left = 60 >>> margins.left 60.0 >>> :class:`Margins` Methods ------------------------ .. py:method:: Margins.set(left, top, bottom, right) :meth:`set` is used to set the margins of a document. All the parameters are of type float.